The Summers
This Danish drama series invites the viewers into the lives of the family members in the Summer family – a family that undergoes dramatic changes as one of the members falls ill.
Appearances: Lisbeth Dahl, Jesper Langberg, Mikael Birkkjær, Lars Ranthe, David Dencik and Biljana Stojkoska
Director: Kasper Gaardsøe
Producers: Katrine Vogelsang & Camilla Hammerich
Executive Producer: Sven Clausen
Script Writers: Karina Dam and Dunja Gry Jensen
Produced by: DR
Original Title: Sommer
Producers: Katrine Vogelsang & Camilla Hammerich
Executive Producer: Sven Clausen
Script Writers: Karina Dam and Dunja Gry Jensen
Produced by: DR
Original Title: Sommer